Now we are old

Sunday, December 12, 2004

We forgot yesterday, to go to the Spring Creek Community breakfast where widow woman Wilma Woody was going to be Mrs. Santa Claus. Shoot. And I did so want to go there for Christmas reasons. The community has such meals as fund raisers to finish the restoration of the beautiful old rock Spring Creek School where Wilma Woody and the other "ladies who lunch" went to school.

I hear that Kevin Spacey has written, directed, acted and sung in a movie abut Bobby Darren and that Kevin Spacey was a singer before he was an actor. Because it is being released now suggests that it may be a fine film. I never liked Bobby Darren, but Don says that he did. The idea is not appealing to me at all.

We finally saw Mystic River, which was much too large for even the HBO screen. The sound was unbalanced. It seemed disjointed. I have noticed this before about a film, Piano for instance, which is too big for television. So, I will see Mystic River again even on the tele just to hear it and see it better. But I think the big screen is for me. I did have to stop knitting dish cloths while I watched it. I love film. I hate the whole idea of TV which can rot a brain. I'd like to live without it, but here in the mountains, its my contact with the rest of the world.

Today is Sunday and I need to get birthday cards ready for the rest of the December birthday people, Tori, Ahnawake, Haley, Daniel and Zachary .

I've sent all the packages but the kilim for Jenny and her dish cloths. And the covered cherry chocolates for Cope.

Don made his second sale on EBay in a month. He sold his video camera for $51.00. He coughs and hacks away in the living room from either his cold or his smoking. And I claim to have stopped smoking but I do smoke some and when I was watching the disturbing film last night, I smoked a whole cigarette.

I am undisciplined, always have been, and I need to work on that character defect. I can't seem to have just one piece of Don's strawberry rhubarb pie or one of the See's chocolates. I can work on discipline after I finish up on argumentativeness which is my present character defect for God and me to work on

The sun shines. Don keeps closing the Venetian blinds. So I open them because I know it's cold outside, but if the sun shines in on me, I shine better. Don raises the thermostadt to 74 and I turn it down to 72. So blinds and temperature go up and down all day.

The water is up in stream (I can see water spilling over into the winter-dead plants) and river. Its a sound I love, that rush of water over rock. Blaze and I don't walk over at our sweet-dead-neighbor, Eauls anymore. There is a "no trespassing" chain to stop us at the bridge, and we are willing to climb over that, but it seems so gloomy over there without a person about, only a truck and an Explorer and a BMW and a bunch of old riding lawn mowers and their lawn mower parts.


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