Now we are old

Sunday, September 03, 2006

A new comment from Chuck.

I'm gonna call MY blog Bitchin', Moanin', and Bellyachin'. What do you think?
When people ask me what I've been up to, I never have anything to say except working and watching TV (and bitchin', moanin', and bellyachin'. And running like hell from the IRS, but nobody really wants to know that about you).

So I'm off to see the last day of an exhibit of Robert Rauschenberg's "Combines." at the Museum of Contemporary Art, which I hear is a great show. Do you know that so many great artists are (were) gay? Warhol, Hockney (a favorite), Rauschenberg, Bacon,Jasper Johns (I think), not to mention Michelangelo, etc. Of course, that leaves out the hundreds of great artists who weren't gay, but if people can have an irrational belief in God, I can mangle the facts to come up with my own theories, can't I?


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