Now we are old

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Good Advice to Remember from the Brat Factor Post

As THE original SHE I can tell you that the most common
cry among SHEs is, "I am overwhelmed." After the cry,
the SHE will invariably go into the details of the over-
whelming state.

What I have learned over the 30 years I have been help-
ing SHEs (myself included) is that when we get over-
whelmed we need to STOP and take a deep breath! That is
what I said, STOP and breathe. Don't talk and tell
yourself or others about your state. Don't consume
yourself with pity, hate, discouragement or whatever
negative emotion you are capable of conjuring up. Just
STOP and breathe. When you do stop and breathe you will
become still. Stay that way for a couple of minutes.
Then take your problems (you have created more than one
or you wouldn't be overwhelmed) and make the collection
of problems a smaller problem. WHAT SHOULD I DO IN THE
NEXT FIVE MINUTES? Make your smaller problem the ONLY
problem you have. You will then only-one-problem-at-a-time
yourself to getting out of confusion and chaos. Try it.


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