The Rich Life Letter by Lewis Geary
Hang on a sec - it's 10:20am on MONDAY... your working week is but an hour and twenty minutes old and already you're pining for the weekend?!Cheer up you miserable old gifford - pull your
bottom lip in, grow up and get on with your work! Or here's a better idea - if you hate it so much, just LEAVE...
No of course I didn't say all of that. I did what you would do in my situation. I did small talk for a few minutes and then went back to my desk ;)
I tell you what though; I'm developing less and less tolerance for moaning minnies - if it's possible to develop LESS of something...
Moaning has to be the most redundant and counter productive activity on the planet. It's certainly the most irritating God preserve me from whittlers and whingers!
Moaners are people who are never happy with their lot. Moaners are life's perennial underachievers. Actually, they are NON-achievers by design. Moaners always think they deserve better. Moaners actually deserve a kick up the jacksy. A good, hard one.
Moaners wilt when confronted by a challenge. Rich lifers rise to a challenge and blitz it with energy. We are bulletproof. Our confidence in our ability to triumph is unshakeable.
A rich lifer is ALWAYS in control. A rich lifer ALWAYS takes responsibility for his or her happiness. A rich lifer understands that life is a marvellous, moving feast. And that nothing stays the same for long - thank goodness.
Moaners are lazy. They expect opportunities to seek them out. What's more, they expect those opportunities to come gilt edged and gift-wrapped. If not - expect more whinging... along the lines of "nothing good ever happens to me..." etc...
Rich lifers seek out opportunities and change. Rich lifers engineer situations to return the best possible outcomes. Rich lifers are constantly seeking the next chance to excel, to do something new and exciting - and to push themselves.
Rich lifers love living.
Moaners don't. Moaners use adversity as a crutch because deep down they're FRIGHTENED of being happy.
So what are you - a rich lifer, or a mealy-mouthed, whinging, whiny moaner?
Here's a quick questionnaire for you - and I want you to be 100% honest about how you answer it.
Don't worry about the outcome (and for Chrissakes don't MOAN about it) - we can work on whatever this
little exercise throws up...
Ready? Here goes:
About what time of your working day do you start watching the clock?
A) 9:15am
B) 3:00pm
C) I never watch the clock
Your boss dumps an important report on your desk at 4pm. He wants it updating and returning to him by 10am the following morning. What goes through your mind?
A) Why me? God, I hate this guy! I wanted to be
back home in time for 'Neighbours'
B) I'll do my best but I'm definitely out of here
at 6:30pm - finished or not!
C) Excellent - a chance to impress. I'll call home
and tell them to expect me back late.
You draw back your living room curtains and there's ANOTHER brand new shiny black Mercedes on your neighbour's drive. The third in as many years. What do you think?
A) That is SO far from what I could afford on my
crappy wages. I'm doomed to driving my heap of junk
until it conks out. Oh and my road tax is due this
month. Great!
B) If I squint hard enough it looks like a Mondeo
C) Good on him - but imagine his face when MY
Porsche is parked out there!
Your mate down at the pub tells you he's made £500 in a week from a horse racing system he read about on the Internet. What do you say?
A) It's just a con - those things never work. The
bookie always wins in the long term
B) Give me the web address; I might look into that
myself if I have a few minutes... or I might not.
C) Wow - I'm up for that. I'll dig out some spare
cash and give it a go
A new guy arrives at work. He's 24 with a degree. He impresses the boss so much in his first few weeks that he's quickly made manager of your department - despite the fact that you've worked there for 12 years and never had so much as a sniff. How do you feel?
A) Well that's just typical. Overlooked again. Who
does this whippersnapper think he is? Well, I'll
make life difficult for him!
B) That's a clear signal I'm not wanted. Maybe I'll
get the job paper on Thursday and have a look... if
I can be arsed.
C) Fair enough. I'll work doubly hard to make sure
I get the next promotion that's going!
You hate your job that you've been in for 7 years; it's not particularly challenging, but it's only 10 minutes drive from home. And you're on a good package - pension, car and health benefits. The only problem is you feel staler than a piece of toast that fell behind the sofa 3 weeks ago. What's your next move?
A) Stay where you are. The benefits are too good to
give up. I'm doing it purely for the money. Who
says work needs to be enjoyable or challenging?
B) Start to pick up the job papers now and again.
I'll look for something in the same field - but it
must offer the same package. I'm in no real hurry.
C) I'm outta here! Enough's enough! Life's too
short to waste doing something I hate. I'm off to
find something I love - screw the package!
It's the office football sweepstake. The hat comes over to your desk... what do you do?
A) Don't enter - I never win ANYTHING... I'll bet
all the good teams are gone anyway. It's just a
waste of money
B) Okay - just a quid. But if I get Derby County I
reserve the right to change my selection.
C) Give me three goes please - you gotta be in it
to win it!
Okay - if you got mostly Cs: I don't think you'll have too many problems finding the rich life. You're probably already living it. You're an optimist - an energetic 'do-er' who relishes a challenge and always thinks positively. When I take my summer holiday, you can write The Rich Life Letter for two weeks for me!
Mostly B's: you need a little coaxing from time to time but the basics are there. You like the idea of change, but you're perhaps a little slow to capitalise at times. At least you're not totally set in your ways. Keep reading and we'll make a rich lifer out of you yet!
Mostly A's: Oh dear. You need a good shaking, my friend! Life is a blessing - you'd see this if only you stoppedwallowing and started actively taking responsibility for your happiness. There are thousands of opportunities out there to improve your life, but you must seek them out, and have the courage to take the plunge and then stick with it. If it's something you want to do, you'll get the
rewards you seek.
Don't worry - you've made a significant step in the right direction by reading this email every week!
Final point on moaners: Did you see that Channel 4 documentary about 17-year-old musical prodigy Alex Stobbs back in January? He won a place at Cambridge, after conducting a performance of Bach's "Magnificat".
What's so amazing about Alex is that he has a severe form of cystic fibrosis that has seriously affected his lungs and left him partially deaf. Yes, deaf. This kid wants to be a CONDUCTOR. The disease is so cruel it could end Alex's life suddenly and without notice.
Alex faces extreme hardship in his life, but instead of moaning about his lot, and resigning himself to a life of misery, he sees every day as a blessing - an opportunity to do the thing he loves the most.
Alex was asked during the documentary if he was frightened of the future "No," he replied. "You can't have fun if you have fear. Music makes me forget about what's happening to my lungs. Music is my hope. It's everything."
Alex shames every moaner out there who spends each working day longing for Friday. Maybe I'll recount his story to Terry in the postroom next time he looks at me with those heavily hooded eyes and that sorry down-turned mouth.
Ciao for now, Lewis
At 7:04 AM,
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