Now we are old

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Here's a good poem for today's neurosis

What She Was Wearing

by Denver Butson

this is my suicide dress
she told him
I only wear it on days
when I'm afraid
I might kill myself
if I don't wear it

you've been wearing it
every day since we met
he said

and these are my arson gloves

so you don't set fire to something?
he asked


and this is my terrorism lipstick
my assault and battery eyeliner
my armed robbery boots

I'd like to undress you
he said
but would that make me an accomplice?

and today
she said I'm wearing
my infidelity underwear
so don't get any ideas

and she put on her nervous breakdown hat
and walked out the door

Saturday, February 14, 2009



Reilly's Valentines Box

Saturday, February 07, 2009

Something for Your Stomach

Found it on the web. I think it works:

If your stomach is upset after a meal
- try massaging up and down
the inside length of your thighs, pushing in hard with your fingers.

My thighs? have you finally gone insane?

Not yet. This area holds neurolymphatic points for your small intestine - another gem
of traditional Chinese medicine. Kneading these points helps clear blocked energy and
gets your digestion moving again.

I know if sounds crazy but don't knock it until you've tried it...

Sunday, February 01, 2009

From October from Debie about Zac and Malan A

Zac is doing some better. He didn't re-enlist since he is still a full time army man. He has three more year of active duty to go and then I think it is 5 in the reserves. He signed up for a longer "hitch" than most do. He likes it and hates it. Doesn't think he can do anything else right now. But hopefully he will soon see he has other options. Or he may make it his career. He is having some difficulty adjusting to life off the battlefield. My theory (based on some things I have read) is that they stay so reved up while they are there (they consume lots of energy drinks, some take caffeine pills.....they go thru periods of time when they don't get much rest, proper food, etc. Some smoke to keep awake, they basically run on adrenalin and supplements for 15 months. Then they come home. How boring that must seem to their bodies and their minds. Then after feeling proud, strong, able and discovering how capable they really are, they find that ordinary things like organizing bills, or choosing a place to eat, ordinary stuff is just impossible to deal with. I have been looking for information about what its like to return from war and still be in the military (that is a crazy life in itself), and mostly what I have found just discusses going back to civilian life. So those that stay have an even different readjustment procedure to go thru.

Now keep in mind it is my theory, I don't really know what I am talking about. But I feel that the physical and mental readjustment to the "non-hyped- up" world must seem boring, crazy, mixed up and depressing.

He is participating in some sort of study the army is doing (since they were depolyed the longest) to see what kinds of things they can do to help with the PTSD stuff. He will be doing several activities including skydiving and some water stuff (I don't know all the details). They will be studied before, during and after. I believe there will be three groups of different combinations (not sure what they will be either). It sounded interesting, and I think Zac seemed excited to be involved in it. He lives with his platton sargent and his wife and 5 kids, so it probably isn't too boring when he is home, and he seems ok with that. He said he was resting one day and the 10 year old was showing her friends around. "Hey you want to see my dad? You want to see Darras?" He isn't keeping in touch as much lately, so I don't really know what he is doing exactly. We don't think he will have to go to war again until at least 2010 and it could be all over by then. So he might get to go somewhere interesting and educational..........he is hoping he will get to stay in Ft. Lewis, but is not sure about that either.

Malan is happy in CA and staying busy. He is enjoying his life right now. I was hoping to go to Whitney's wedding and see him also, but my money tree hasn't quite bloomed yet.