Now we are old

Sunday, December 11, 2005

Merry Christmas 1.

It's cold, but I say, "This is a day the Lord has made". like that strange preacher in the glass cathedral said a long time ago and I have adopted. So far I have managed to shower and eat a brownie and straighten a bit and throw the coffee filter, with the wet used coffee, into the garbage and taken out the garbage. I'm not sure that is the best thing to do with a day the Lord has made, but it's a start and in just 15 minutes I can take my nap.

Yesterday, I rang the Salvation Army's little red bell. They probably won't let me do it again because I accosted everyone who came by to give me their change. Only two people ignored me, they were the ones in the big cars who looked wealthy. And so it goes. Anyway, I managed to do it for two hours and made the bell ring along with Christmas songs in my mind. People are great. Rich people (some of them) are no damn good.

And then came the Hot Springs Christmas parade. It had one small band from Marshall, a town down the road 30 miles, and many fire trucks and several tractors and the girl scouts, and one real float, tiny but festive, and a few horses and old restored cars. Hysterical. But it was fine.

And then I went for soup at a dinner for the family who's child has some unknown illness that is costing a fortune already that the doctors still don't haven't been able to identify yet. I also planned to take brownies for their bake sale but unfortunately (like in the case for the valentine's fudge) never got hard enough so I gave them money and said that I bought my brownies.

Feels quite Christmassy now. Let me know about you. . Do have an excellent day the Lord has made. Love, peace, joy.


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