Now we are old

Thursday, July 03, 2008

You are a Writer !!!

So since you are a writer, I will tell you about some things. First of all, I am having a no good very bad day and have not gotten up yet even though it is 2:32 pm. I decided that depression forced me to stay in bed and suicide would be a good idea but I have too many things undone, so not today. Anyway, I decided to check my library book shelf to see if I could find some sort of "self help" "how to climb out of your bed and depression" book, to inspire me to climb out of my bed and depression. So I found this book, How to Become a Famous Writer before you're Dead, to start and find interesting and then since being a "2" and a codependent is such a part of me, deciding to share this information and inspiration with you good writers. It's about time, I think. So this is by Ariel Gore and she has or had a "zine" or blog. Here's to your abilities and please become a famous writer before you are dead IF you would like to. Love you, Peace to you. Back to bed for me.

By the way, part of her process seems to be doing The Artist's Way, which is the book on creativity by Julia Cameron. "I know Julia Cameron. Julie Cameron is a friend of mine." (sort of a quote) She wrote that book on the front lawn of Dori's Cafe in Taos. She was a friend of Dori's and so Dori asked her to let me come to her sessions as a scholarship student, and she did, and she later bought Dori's house near Arroyo Seco. I was her assistant for a time. That way I was able to talk to her former husband and father of her daughter Dominica, Martin Scorsese and type out some of her screen plays which have not been anywhere nearly as successful as her, The Artist's Way. Anyway, she certainly became a famous writer before her death. This is just to let you know that I have been around.


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