Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Note on Meditation from Sharon
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Note from Sharon
Monday, November 10, 2008
From a found, old letter to Susan and Peter M.
It was nice to read about you Peter. Sue, you will have to keep all his clippings, people are so impressed with them
Surely you have received the geneology stuff by now. It was sent at least 2 weeks ago. Let me know if it's there yet.
We are going to swim this afternoon at the college. Mary took her bathing suit with her to school in a huge sack. She felt she needed to even tho she'll come home before we go. She's very efficient and maybe bright. She's certainly independent.
Outside is all green It's been raining for 2 weeks and green is all you see out the window. It looks good and bright but wet.
Your daddy made some etchings of me that are good. He won an award in Tulsa. He hasn't ha time to send things out to contests because he's so busy with one man shows.
Jenny will be a tulip in the school play, a yellow tulip. She almost made the 3rd grade track team. She is a little weepy about it. She has 2 teeth out in front but she 's prettier than she's ever been
Richard wanted to decorate his room so we gave him $5.00 to start. He spent it all for black light paint. His rats stink. He was stage manager for the school play, Tom Sawyer; Chuck was an old man in a night shirt.
I want your daddy to make me a sign for the car offering people rides so they won't have to drive their cars and pollute, but he won't. I will I guess. The car's always going; I think it's only sensible
Sharon had a piano recital. She had the shakiest hands and played best of anyone there. She is good at this too just as at everything else. She has been taking lessons from Marie Thompson. Marie says she's remarkable good. We have an ugly piano but Sharon doesn't care. Maybe Chuck will get lessons for his birthday. Maybe Alan too.
Peter is growing up. He stands up for what he thins is right; he's honest and probably going to turn out a good man; but he's driving me out of my mind with his loud voice, his wild hours and his changeable mind.
Sounds like you're still having good breakfasts and getting along well. There was a riot forecast for New Haven, Conn; be careful. Behave yourselves. I love you.
Saturday, November 01, 2008
News from Julie
I am obsessed about the election. Marty voted for McCain but the rest of us are voting the correct way. Even though voting democratic in Utah is kind of a lost cause. I think it might be closer this year than in the past. That "news story" about Richard was great, very funny. I have voted every time since I was 18 but mostly picked the one I felt was the least objectionable. But this time I really want Obama to win. I feel hopeful that things might change and things might be looked at in new ways. Maybe naive but I hope it is true.
Latest movie that I really liked was " Autumn Rush" and favorite book was " The Book Thief". You should try both. I have always felt like the "white Trash" one in the family because of my choices in TV, movies, books but I think by not limiting myself to only the classics, meaningful things, I happen upon some really good stuff that makes me laugh, cry, feel wonder. I stand by my love of fantasy, imagination etc. Plan to watch my favorite movies over and over and read the Harry Potter books over and over and try to avoid anything that tries to make me a "better, more insightful, etc person. Real life is okay but I need to escape sometimes. Hope things are calming down there. I'm worried about how things are going in the world but hopeful that I will be able to retire someday. Like you say, Love and peace. Julie