Now we are old

Sunday, December 21, 2008

From Julie at Election Time

I am obsessed about the election. Marty voted for McCain but the rest of us are voting the correct way. Even though voting democratic in Utah is kind of a lost cause. I think it might be closer this year than in the past. That "news story" about Richard was great, very funny. I have voted every time since I was 18 but mostly picked the one I felt was the least objectionable. But this time I really want Obama to win. I feel hopeful that things might chance and things might be looked at in new ways. Maybe naive but I hope it is true.

Latest movie that I really liked was " Autumn Rush" and favorite book was " The Book Thief". You should try both. I have always felt like the "white Trash" one in the family because of my choices in TV, movies, books but I think by not limiting myself to only the classics, meaningful things, I happen upon some really good stuff that makes me laugh, cry, feel wonder. I stand by my love of fantasy, imagination etc. Plan to watch my favorite movies over and over and read the Harry Potter books over and over and try to avoid anything that tries to make me a "better, more insightful, etc person. Real life is okay but I need to escape sometimes. Hope things are calming down there. I'm worried about how things are going in the world but hopeful that I will be able to retire someday.


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